Re: _at_WebServiceProvider and the servlet-name

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:51:52 -0500

Hi Dhiru,

Thanks. That clears things up a bit. I see that is the
@WebServiceProvider annotation is used *without* a web.xml to provide a
<servlet-name>, then you need a unique name in order to reference the
endpoint internally within GlassFish. However, when @WebServiceProvider
is used *with* a web.xml to provide a <servlet-name>, then I think that
this should take precedence over the (internally generated>
<servlet-link>. That is the behavior I have observed with GlassFish in
the @WebService case.

> No in the scenario where there is only the @WebServiceProvider
annotation without a webservices.xml file this is required.
> Keep in mind in J2EE 1.4 and JSR-109 1.1, <servlet-link> in
webservices.xml must be the servlet-name of a JAX-RPC
> Service Endpoint in the same WAR file. In Java EE 5 and JSR -109 1.2,
since the webservices.xml file is optional, fully
> qualified name of the SIB is used as <servlet-link>. This is done to
have uniqueness of the name. (You could have more
> than one Web Service endpoints in a WAR file)

OK, that makes sense, but: (1) it seems to me like that is letting the
GlassFish implementation drive the JSR-109 server programming model.
I.e., the behavior of the *internally generated* webservices.xml should
not determine the programmer's use of the web.xml <servlet-name>; and
(2) it is not consistent with the behavior of GlassFish in the
@WebService case.

I appreciate your attention to this somewhat obscure technical point! I
think its worth clarifying the spec/GlassFish implementation issues,
however, because they bear on the "ease of use" issue. The different
behavior of @WebService and @WebServiceProvider - when using web.xml and
no webservices.xml - is confusing.



Dhiru Pandey wrote:

> Hello Mark,
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> Thanks, Dhiru - one more question ...
>> > What is described is for the case when only the @WebServiceProvider
>> annotation is used without a webservices.xml file.
>> So, is this really meant to be guidance to implementors with
>> containers that are generating the webservices.xml?
> No in the scenario where there is only the @WebServiceProvider
> annotation without a webservices.xml file this is required. Keep in
> mind in J2EE 1.4 and JSR-109 1.1, <servlet-link> in webservices.xml
> must be the servlet-name of a JAX-RPC Service Endpoint in the same WAR
> file. In Java EE 5 and JSR -109 1.2, since the webservices.xml file is
> optional, fully qualified name of the SIB is used as <servlet-link>.
> This is done to have uniqueness of the name. (You could have more than
> one Web Service endpoints in a WAR file)
>> In that case, why should the spec require this? And even if it does
>> require a constraint on <servlet-link>, should this be described in
>> Section 5 which is addressing the server programming model and not
>> JSR-109 implementation issues?
>> -- Mark
>> Dhiru Pandey wrote:
>>> Hello Mark,
>>> What is described is for the case when only the @WebServiceProvider
>>> annotation is used without a webservices.xml file.
>>> One could certainly provide this file along with the annotation and
>>> then <servlet-link> could be specified to be whatever the developer
>>> wants.
>>> I think the language in the spec. is confusing and should be fixed
>>> to clear this up.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Dhiru
>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>> Thanks Dhiru (and also Vijay) for pointing out the JSR-109
>>>> requirement. I don't know how I missed that!
>>>> > You should be able to override this if the webservices.xml file
>>>> is used
>>>> But, Dhiru, how can I override if JSR-109 *requires* <servlet-link>
>>>> in the webservices.xml to be the fully qualified name of the SIB?
>>>> -- Mark
>>>> Dhiru Pandey wrote:
>>>>> If you are not using a deployment descriptor (webservices.xml)
>>>>> file then this is true.
>>>>> Please see section on WebServiceProvider annotation
>>>>> (JSR-109):
>>>>> "For Servlet based endpoints using this annotation, fully
>>>>> qualified name of the Service Implementation Bean class
>>>>> must be used as the <servlet-link> element in the deployment
>>>>> descriptor to map the Port component to the actual
>>>>> Servlet."
>>>>> This implies that the servlet name (which is the same as the
>>>>> <servlet-link>) should be fully qualified name of the Service
>>>>> Implementation Bean class
>>>>> You should be able to override this if the webservices.xml file is
>>>>> used
>>>>> -Dhiru
>>>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>>>> It seems to be a requirement in GlassFish that when deploying an
>>>>>> @WebServiceProvider along with an web.xml, that the
>>>>>> <servlet-name> must be equal to the fully qualified name of the
>>>>>> provider class (i.e., the class with the @WebServiceProvider
>>>>>> annotation). Is that correct? Is this a requirement specified
>>>>>> anywhere in JSR-109 or JSR-181, because if it is, I cannot find
>>>>>> such a requirement.
>>>>>> Thanks for any insight on this.
>>>>>> -- Mark
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