Re: Windows XP: Glassfish 9.0_01: Cannot deploy. Module directory is locked and cannot be deleted.

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 16:59:48 -0600

Hi, Todd.

It's quite possible that a more recent build of GlassFish would not have
this problem. We've done quite a bit to help with this general problem
of locked files and directories, especially on Windows. (See this blog
entry <>
for more information.)

I don't know if you are able or willing to use a more recent GlassFish
version routinely. At least as an experiment if you could download a
recent build of GlassFish V2 (which will be used in Sun Java System
Application Server 9.1) and do the same things that cause the problem
with 9.0_01 we could at least find out if the same problem exists with
the newer build.


- Tim