Re: Another performance issue, JDK5 vs JDK6

From: Scott Oaks <Scott.Oaks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:19:49 -0500

With a lot of help from David (thanks David!) we've tracked this down to
a problem when in-process JSP compilation is used with certain
configurations of the appserver.

In-process JSP compilation is used by default when JDK 6 is used to run
the appserver. Until (glassfish
issue 1690) is fixed, the workaround with JDK 6 is to add this parameter
to the JspServlet definition in default-web.xml:



David Harrigan wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> GF v2 b25.
> I've come across another performance issue, this time it manifests when I
> switch JDK. I've got the same machine and same setup as before, but this
> time I'm switching JDK's (since we hope to go to JDK6 Q1 2007). Anyway, I've
> performed the same load testing that I have always been doing and I'm
> getting some interesting (and worrying!) results.
> I'm testing this against JDK 1.5.0_09 and JDK 1.6 rc b104. Before each
> switch I rm -rf the domains directory and I run ant -f setup.xml to
> recreate. Then I add 3 jvm-options to the domain.xml
> com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.enableJK=8009
> isContainer=true <-- this is an option for my application and not for GF.
> The application is rebuild each time, using the standarised build.xml that
> we here are using, but I'm switching source level to 1.6 when I switch JDK
> to version 1.6 (I put the source level to 1.5 when I switch back to JDK
> 1.5).
> I again get a dramatic slowdown running JDK 1.6. My average TPS is about
> 1.5-2, whereas in JDK 1.5 I'm hitting nearer 16tps.
> I thought, hmm, could be a JDK issue, so I deployed the same app in Jetty
> and then JRun and the TPS under JDK 1.6. is up around 16, just like running
> under JDK 1.5. (For completeness, I rebuild to source level 1.5 and ran with
> JDK 1.5 and the tps is again around 16).
> So, the only thing changing is the app server, i.e., GF ;)
> (oh, and I have no system.out's coming out :-) see passim for details on
> that one...)
> Has anyone else tested the same app between JDK versions? It could very well
> be a GF issue however.
> -=david=-