Re: workaround for NB5.5 cant detect default domain in gf V2 b26-27 ?

From: Gustav Trede <>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 23:52:12 +0100

Thanks Witold Szczerba for the issue link.

But folling the advice from ,
and adding:
 <!DOCTYPE domain PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Application
Server 9.1Domain//EN"

to the 2nd line at
gfinstall/lib/install/templates/default-domain.xml.template does not
help me.
NB 5.5 still says "no registerable default domains available".

By looking at the filesystem timestamps for the file in question
i can see that NB never opens it. (and i triple checked that im using
the correct dir of glassfish install)

Is any further advice available ?

  Gustav Trede