Its hard to understand whats going on. If you could provide your exact
uses scenarios, it will help understand the problem.
My replies inlined:
Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
> JAXWS team ?
> Vijay
> Ed Mooney wrote:
>> I have a webservice for which wsimport generates the following bindings:
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.package-info
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.ObjectFactory
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.TestTxInteropRequiredResponse
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.TestTxInteropSupportsResponse
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.TestTxInteropSupports
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.TestTxInteropRequired
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.Test2TransactedWebService
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.Test2TransactedWebService_Service
These generated artifacts are part of the service that you are invoking.
>> When I try to call this service from a servlet, I get this error:
>> runtime modeler error: Wrapper class
>> transaction.usertransaction.web.jaxws.TestTxInteropSupports is not
>> found. Have you run APT to generate them?
So this happens on the servlet side, which calls the service whose
artifacts you generated above. right?
>> This is with our local nightly (12/1/06). What's going on?
>> Thanks,
>> -- Ed
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