Re: application-client.xml :: <callback-handler> ignores my class.

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:58:02 -0800

Witold Szczerba wrote:
> I've just tried Glassfish v2 b26 and my callback-handler is now
> invoked, that's great.
> Bad thing is that NetBeans 5.5 is not compatible with Glassfish v2 :(

Please look at
This may be what you are running into...

This issue includes information on working around this interoperability
issue between NB 5.5 and GF V2...

Another work-around is to use the promoted builds 21 to 25 for a little

> I have tried v1 nightly build b15, it is dated 06.oct.2006, few days
> after v2 b20... but it has same problem as v1 b14, so I cannot provide
> my own CallbackHandler implementation :(
> Do you know any other way to change callback handler that would work
> in Glassfish v1?
> I have to brand my login module, so the logo of my customer would
> appear and it would look like part of my application... Any ideas?