Few things to look for:
- get the stack dump -- jstack <pid> of the process. (Mostly, jstack
is not available for Windows 2K for JDK 5).
- asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread
- you can connect to GlassFish server using JConsole
(JDK_HOME/bin/jconsole) and then using admin user, password
and port 8686 (default) to connect. You can see thread dump
that way.
Do you see anything suspicious, when the applications
appear stuck?
Guillaume Bilodeau wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We are experiencing some problems with our Glassfish server in production.
> The two applications that are installed, one WAR-packaged and another
> EAR-packaged, sometimes stop responding at the same time for 10-15 minutes
> and for no apparent reason, then start accepting requests again as if
> nothing had happened. While both applications are stuck, the Glassfish
> administration console works perfectly (correctly with no performance
> degradation) and shows that both applications are installed and enabled.
> The logs contain nothing suspicious - just normal application exceptions
> that seem to be handled correctly. Accessing the applications from the
> application server itself using a http://localhost address gives the same
> results.
> The production server is running Windows 2000, Java 5 update 10, and Sun
> Java Application Server 9.0.0 PE update 1. I don't know if a firewall is
> running or not. Applications are running on port 9090 (normal HTTP, not
> secured) and the administrative console on 4848.
> Does anybody have any idea how to diagnose this problem and, hopefully, to
> solve it?
> Thanks a lot,
> GB