AppClient/JWS/Derby/Security problems

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 17:15:26 -0400

Application (with embedded database deployed to Glassfish as an AppClient
and run from a link of a JSP that has been deployed as an Enterprise App to
Glassfish) throws javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence
provider for EntityManager named SVG_Drawings at

Call for help:
I really need some help. I am stuck with these problems and I need an
expert to poke me in the right direction.

I am working on a stand alone test bed that has no Internet access,
therefore, it is very difficult to send stack traces and code snippets. I
am sorry.

Using Java 1.5.0_06-b05
Using Glassfish 9.0-b48
Using Netbeans 5.0
Using Derby (embedded database)
Using Toplink (from Glassfish lib)
Using FreePastry 1.4.4 (structured peer-to-peer overlay)
Using GLIPSGraffiti (Apache SVG editor)
Prepared to use jTssWrapper (JNI to Trousers)
Prepared to use Trousers (IBM Trusted Software Stack for attestation, etc)
Prepared to use JESS (reasoning)
Prepared to use OWL/RDF (semantics and ontology)
Prepared to use JADE 3.3 (agent software)

Test bed is used to demonstrate Java Security, SELinux MAC, TNC (Trusted
Network Connect), and showcase Java technology. I have been working on this
demonstration for a couple of months.

A little about the design:
There are several Netbeans' projects:
KART (Knowledge Awareness Response Tool) - J2SE desktop application, a
substrate that contains data persistence (Derby) and data communications
(FreePastry). KART receives addons in the perspective that Mozilla uses
addons. KART has a classloader for loading the addons. KART is deployed to
Glassfish as an AppClient. KART contains persistence.xml.

ChatEditor - simple addon that allows users at endpoints on the structured
overlay to send text messages back and forth. This addon has no data
persistence requirements.

DrawingEditor - an addon requiring data persistence and data communications.
This addon is based on the GLIPS SVG editor. GLIPS was modified to persist
to the database instead of the filesystem.

SecurityAuditor - an addon in its infancy, will need data persistence and
data communications. Will use nmap and SNMP to collect layer 2 data. Will
use JESS for decision processing.

Addons - a web application. All jar files of addons are placed into this
project. The war file from this project is deployed as a web application to

AddonInterfaces - a J2SE application that contains the interface classes
required by addons to interface with KART. So, these files are the
'contract' between KART and addons.

Provision - a J2EE application used to showcase JSF and JSP. The ear file
of Provision is deployed to Glassfish as an enterprise application.
Admittedly, Provision does not yet do much EJB - only Web-Module at the
moment. But, Provision is planned to do policy loads (both operational and
security (both OS and Java)) using EJB functionality

A little about operation:
After everything is deployed to Glassfish correctly, users can access
Provision's web page, ServiceLocator.jsp, and click on the KART link.
AppClient/JWS does its thing and the substrate is available on the user's
desktop. There is a button, "Visit Addon Store". When the user selects,
she is provided with a list of addons. ChatEditor can be selected and users
at structured overlay endpoints can chat. SecurityAuditor can be selected
in addition to ChatEditor (or ChatEditor could have been shutdown). The
SecurityAuditor GUI stands up, but the addon needs lots of work and does not
do much for now - but it is okay. DrawingEditor will also stand up and the
user can edit SVG drawings - IF I comment out the data persistence.

More problem discussion:
As described at the beginning of this (too long) email, EntityManagerFactory
does not know how to start - probably because I do not know how to tell
AppClient how/where to use my persistence.xml. Of course, this problem is
only seen if I comment out setting my Derby home property. I learned how to
set a policy to AppClient from Mr. Quinn's explanation on Feb 7 at this
link: (I
requested a login, but I am not able to post to that forum) At the moment,
KART.jar is not signed - I have seen it written that JWS will not use
permissions unless the jar is signed. When I sign KART.jar, JWS says that
it cannot verify - and I have not figured out what to do about that. I have
tried running at the command line using AppClient - this blows a different
error than trying AppClient/JWS. The 'AppClient only' way blows an
d - maybe as soon as I get my other problems fixed with AppClient/JWS, it
too will blow that error.

I have some sys outs in KART to watch classloaders so that I can learn more
about what AppClient does. But, AppCLient/JWS will not allow me to make the
getClassLoader() call because of permissions.

I am so lost with all of this AppClient/JWS stuff. I am doing web searches
like a wild man - but, I can't find much. Please help me get past these
humps in the road.

I feel Ruby and .Net howling at my heels as I run into this massive
roadblock with my Java showcase.