Re: Security Role

From: Art <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 14:31:51 -0700


I do have 18 compiled 3.0 entity ejbs in my ejb jar archive file, but my
ejb-jar.xml file is empty of any content (<ejb-jar/> namespace
declarations omitted due to space limitations) because I use annotations
to declare the EJB type and security roles. Based on previous responses
on this list I was not sure if you wanted me to include the ejb-jar.xml
file in my ejb jar archive file, so I tried including and excluding the
ejb-jar.xml file. The results of this exercise were given in my
previous e-mail.

- Art

Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> Art wrote:
>> In section 2.1 of EJB 3.0 Simplified API
>> "Metadata annotations may be used as an alternative to the deployment
>> descriptors that were required by
>> earlier versions of the Enterprise JavaBeans specification."
>> My ejb jar file is empty because I use annotations instead.
> If your ejb jar is empty, then there is no classes there, then how can
> you have annotations.
> Can you clarify what you mean?
>> If I remove my ejb-jar.xml file I get the error:
>> [#|2006-06-02T13:04:55.796-0700|INFO|sun-appserver-pe9.0|javax.enterprise.system
>> .tools.deployment|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Timer-3;|[AutoDeploy]
>> Exception occur
>> es while invoking backend deployment service for file :
>> C:\bin\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\test-EJBModule.jar. --
>> Cannot determine the Java EE module type for
>> C:\bin\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\test-EJBModule.jar -
>> - Cannot determine the Java EE module type for
>> C:\bin\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\test-EJBModule.jar|#]
>> If I leave in the ejb-jar.xml file I get the error listed in my old
>> email.
>> Do you have any sugestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Art
>> Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>> Shing-Wai:
>>> Exactly right. My original test app did not have any ejbs in the
>>> ejb.jar. I didn't realize this was a violation of the spec. As soon as I
>>> added the empty session bean the problem cleared up.
>>> Dennis
>>> Shing Wai Chan wrote:
>>>> Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>>>> Art:
>>>>> I just posted my logs for Shing-Wai to examine. However, after adding
>>>>> a single session bean (no methods) the app deployed. I guess I don't
>>>>> know enough about how things are supposed to work to know if this is
>>>>> really a bug or just a curious happening.
>>>> Does it means your original test-EJBModule_jar does not have any ejb?
>>>> It is illegal to have an ejb jar without ejb.
>>>> Hi Hong,
>>>> Do you remember which build has this fix?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Shing Wai Chan
>>>>> Dennis
>>>>> Art wrote:
>>>>>> +1 - I had this same error too. I posted the following to nbusers
>>>>>> but I
>>>>>> have heard nothing yet.
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:54:27 -0700
>>>>>> From: Art <>
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: error deploying ear : Linked policy contexts have different
>>>>>> roleToSubjectMaps
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am trying to deploy my application as a ear on glassfish b48 on
>>>>>> nb5.5
>>>>>> (20060531200). I am getting the PolicyContextException shown below:
>>>>>> Exception occured in J2EEC Phase
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: Cannot
>>>>>> generate policy file for test. --
>>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException:
>>>>>> Linked policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps
>>>>>> (test/test-WebModule_war)<->(test/test-EJBModule_jar)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployerBase.generatePolicy(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.doRequestFinish(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.J2EECPhase.runPhase(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.DeploymentPhase.executePhase(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.executePhases(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.deploy(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.deployment.phasing.PEDeploymentService.deploy(
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> I have set my identical <security-role> in web.xml and
>>>>>> application.xml.
>>>>>> I set my EJB class roles as annotations using
>>>>>> @RolesAllowed(value="ROLE1") leaving the ejb-jar.xml file blank. I
>>>>>> also
>>>>>> set identical <security-role-mapping> in sun-web.xml and
>>>>>> sun-ejb-jar.xml and sun-application.xml to no avail.
>>>>>> In this post it is stated we should not do this:
>>>>>> "In 9.1, we will fail deployment for empty ejb jar with an error
>>>>>> message
>>>>>> indicating the cause.
>>>>>> So if you see this inconsistent module state error, please check your
>>>>>> ejb jar to make sure you have ejbs inside. You should either have an
>>>>>> ejb-jar.xml with all the bean elements defined. Or if you use
>>>>>> annnotations and not having an ejb-jar.xml, your need to have
>>>>>> component
>>>>>> level annotations in your bean source code: @Stateless, @Stateful,
>>>>>> @MessageDriven.
>>>>>> Additional note: persistent unit (@Entity) should not be packaged as
>>>>>> ejb
>>>>>> jar(specified as ejb module in the application.xml)."
>>>>>> My ejb-jar is empty because I use annotations to set the security
>>>>>> roles.
>>>>>> How do I get rid of this error? Any help is much appreciated.
>>>>>> Dennis Gesker wrote:
>>>>>>> <security-role>
>>>>>>> <role-name>employee</role-name>
>>>>>>> </security-role>
>>>>>>> When I add the element above to my application.xml I get a "Linked
>>>>>>> policy contexts have different roleToSubjectMaps" error. This is a
>>>>>>> fresh
>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>> Could someone offer a hint as to what is happening? Shouldn't the
>>>>>>> application.xml cover both my ejb.jar and war files?
>>>>>>> Dennis
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