Re: OpenCMS suffering session reset too

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:27:41 -0400

Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
> Yes, there is nio native lib on first line of stack trace.

Can you cut&paste it here? Will help finding the problem.

> Where should I put the -D parameter? I'm running Sun App Server 9 as
> service on Windows box.

Edit ${glassfish.home}/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml
Add, under


the following line:


and restart the server.

-- Jeanfrancois

> Richter
> Jeanfrancois Arcand escreveu:
>> Hi Edson,
>> Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Just to report that is very difficult to advance with
>>> testing/deployments using SunAPP/Glassfish if I could not manage the
>>> problem of "session reset".
>>> Now, besides I could get OpenCMS running very well under Sun App 9, I
>>> can't put content, because session is reset from time to time.
>>> There is any way I can disable NIO and use plain
>>> I need urgent help, because I have at least three projects waiting
>>> for resolution for this problem.
>> Why do you suspect NIO is the problem? Do you have any stack traces?
>> Can you try adding
>> -Dcom.sun.enterprise.web.connector.useCoyoteConnector=true and see if
>> you are seing the same problem (this is unsupported the IO connector).
>> Thanks
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Thanks,
>>> Richter
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