Re: next v1 line promoted build?

From: Matthew Pease <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:06:13 -0700

Hi Carla -

  OK. I'm looking forward to 1.1 promoted builds.

Thank you-

On 5/26/06, carla mott <> wrote:
> The current plan is to do an update release targeted for several months out.
> The update release is off the v1 branch. Generally, these releases
> include some important bug fixes and verylimited additional
> functionality. I assume
> that discussions on the release will start taking place as early as next
> week on what goes in the
> that release as well as how the community can send feedback. At that
> time bug fixes will
> be merged into the v1 branch and promoted builds will again be available
> on that branch.
> Carla
> Matthew Pease wrote:
> > Hi all -
> >
> > Does anyone know what the plan is for working bug fixes into the v1
> > base? Will there be more promoted builds?
> >
> > I'm waiting to see a version where I can use Sets not Collections.
> > And where I can use HashSets instead of Vectors. (both were bug fixes
> > that didn't make it into v1)
> >
> > Thank you-
> > Matt
> >
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