The current plan is to do an update release targeted for several months out.
The update release is off the v1 branch. Generally, these releases
include some important bug fixes and verylimited additional
functionality. I assume
that discussions on the release will start taking place as early as next
week on what goes in the
that release as well as how the community can send feedback. At that
time bug fixes will
be merged into the v1 branch and promoted builds will again be available
on that branch.
Matthew Pease wrote:
> Hi all -
> Does anyone know what the plan is for working bug fixes into the v1
> base? Will there be more promoted builds?
> I'm waiting to see a version where I can use Sets not Collections.
> And where I can use HashSets instead of Vectors. (both were bug fixes
> that didn't make it into v1)
> Thank you-
> Matt
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