Connection pool problems?

From: Joseph B. Ottinger <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 14:09:31 -0400 (EDT)

Refreshing the context: I'm writing an app that uses MDBs and JPA (and a
timer) to create lots and lots of data on a regular basis (it crawls a set
of pages and logs changes.)

I set up the DB connection pool to have 64 connections maximum; however, I
find that I'm getting a max pool size used message an awful lot.

Now, I'll gladly admit that I'm hammering the DB on update - a single web
page that changes can generate 300+ new entities (or updates to existing
entities) or more, actually. I haven't actually tested boundaries yet,
because the app's barely in smoke-testing stage.

However, I'm not using *any* connections manually - everything's going
through JPA, so connection allocations should be fairly short-lived. Am I
seeing something incorrect in action?

Joseph B. Ottinger