
about v3 appserv-tests

From: leisore <leisore_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 11:32:46 +0800

I just compiled glassfish3.1.2 from source.
But about appserv-tests, i don't understand on a few points:

1. appserv-tests under trunk/v2/ directory, then where is v3
corresponding appserv-tests?
I only found the branch branches/v2_3.1.1/appserv-tests,
it's 3.1.2 test set?
However, it isn't updated from 2011/04.

2. trunk/README.txt says:
The older GlassFish v2 source code.
Also contains the current devtests for GlassFish.
which means v2, v3 and future v4 share appserv-tests?
If so, how to distinguish test case between v2 and v3?
