
Re: Anyone using Primefaces with Glassfish ? - 55 deploys of Basic Primefaces / JSF causes MaxPerm gen

From: Xavier Callejas <xavier_at_sistemasaereos.com.sv>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 16:23:50 -0600

On Mar 07 Jun 2011 15:44:50 Manfred Riem escribió:
> Plain JSF and my home-grown components do not result in MaxPerm exception
> regularly. I haven˙t had to restart my production servers in months even
> though I do at least one deployment per day.

Sorry I misunderstud, I though you mean in development enviroment, in
production this should not happen, never.


(image/png attachment: xavier_callejas_firma_sistemasaereos_cdi.png)