
Re: Deployment of our JEE 5 app on GFv3.1

From: Hong Zhang <hong.hz.zhang_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 12:35:33 -0400

Hi, Wounter
> Thanks Tim for pointing out your great blog post about GF3. Looks like I
> need to do a lot of work before I can deploy our JEE 5 app to GF3. We
> are using JSF 1.2 with Facelets 1.14 and, as Hong pointed out, using the
> compatibility flag doesn't tell GF3 to use the JEE 5 specs. In other
> words, the flag resolved the jar loading issue, but the app still
> refuses to run.
What's the reason that the application still refuses to run? While the
"compatibility" property mainly targets the jar visibility aspect of the
backward compatibility, if an application used to run on v2, it should
still be able to run with v3. We should try to figure out the remaining
incompatible aspects and fix them.


- Hong
> So, in order to go ahead with testing GF3.1 I will have to create a JEE
> 6 compatible web app.
> Thanks, Wouter
> On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 09:56:38AM -0500, Tim Quinn wrote:
>> On Nov 2, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Wouter van Reeven wrote:
>>> Hahaha thanks for the tip Alexis. Will do later this week. If (and
>>> when)
>>> I get my app working properly!
>> Admittedly brief and buried within another post, but..
>> http://blogs.sun.com/quinn/entry/app_client_container_features_in
>> Look in the "Stricter JAR Access" section.
>> - Tim
>>> On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 03:46:28PM +0100, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Hong for the details. I can see a blog coming, right Wouter?
>>>> ;-)
>>>> -Alexis
>>>> On 2 nov. 2010, at 15:38, Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes, WEB-INF/lib is where the war libraries should be located.
>>>>>>> This part is
>>>>>>> defined by the Servlet spec and did not change.
>>>>>>> The main change was the ear root level libraries, the spec
>>>>>>> clearly defines the
>>>>>>> ear library directory for this type of libraries and we should
>>>>>>> follow the spec.
>>>>>> Just one more thing that crossed my mind. Isn't GlassFish v3
>>>>>> supposed to
>>>>>> be backward compatible with JEE 5? By the looks of it, it's not
>>>>>> since I
>>>>>> need to modify my ear to be compliant with JEE 6.
>>>>> That's what the "compatibility" property is for. :-) And this is
>>>>> for the product backward compatibility, not for the spec backward
>>>>> compatibility. This behavior was undefined in the spec before.
>>>>> These were the two options:
>>>>> 1. Use the original ear as it is:
>>>>> asadmin deploy --property compatibility=v2 foo.ear
>>>>> 2. Repackage the application to be a spec conformed way so it's
>>>>> guaranteed to run on all spec compliant servers.
>>>>> - Hong
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