
RE: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 21:29:24 +0000

Hi Richard,

>And let's go into more detail ; perhaps we/you can write an official proposal to the powers that be.>If we can prove return on investment , we have a winner I think.
I see that we are on the same page at this matter.
Before starting to write official proposal I suggest to divide the process on two stages.The first stage should be called "development mode" and second stage could be called "production mode".During the development mode I suppose you are trying to organize more wide discussion on the topic of motivation. At this stage everybody who is interesting in this send you some ideas and suggestions.The most important principle during this stage do not put any limitation on the ideas and suggestion that people would like to send.I mean we should explicitly declare that it's absolutely fine to provide crazy ideas. The next week should be enough to finish the first stage.At Monday morning I will send my portion of ideas.
After the fist stage is done it's your job as Fishcat's leader to filter and polish them for official proposal.It seems good idea to ask Judy for participation in writing the proposal.This way she will be more confidential and eager to promote it :)I called the second stage "production mode" because it will looks like launching a new product.Result of this stage should be defined mostly by people who is ready to take responsibility to promote and implement the plan.Personally I don't have much time and energy to put the plan in motion so my hope only on people like you and Judy.
Success of this project probably will has significant impact on the whole Java World.
Thank you,Vladimir

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 09:02:26 +0200
From: rjdkolb_at_dev.java.net
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

Hi Vladimir

On 24 June 2010 05:52, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

In my opinion FishCat points don't provide any serious level of motivation.I would say this kind of motivation could works only in kindergarten :)
lol, you are right. My 18 month old daughter gets stickers ;-)


To create the real leverage we need to establish some kind of virtual currency instead of useless points.
Probably you know about "dukes" that people could earn on Sun's forums or "votes" that could be used for voting project's features."Dukes", "votes" and "points" never really work in practice that for sure.
To make it works you should radically change the current approach.The fist principle of any currency is providing buying power.Current buying power for points is only cat's title but that almost nothing. Without some kind of privileges that holder of the title should be able to use, title will provide very little incentive.
In case you understand my point of view we could continue the related discussion on more detail level.
Yes, I do understand and I think you make some good points.
And let's go into more detail ; perhaps we/you can write an official proposal to the powers that be.

If we can prove return on investment , we have a winner I think.

In the past I had a brief discussion with Judy regarding this topic and she was supportive on this. But that time Oracle was taking over Sun Microsystem and it wasn't very appropriate time to go further with it.
Now I see again some understanding that people need to be motivated to do some testing so I'm bringing it up.
Yes, motivation is the key here and not an easy topic at all. :)


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