
Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:21:12 +0200

Hi Vladimir

On 24 June 2010 23:29, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

> >And let's go into more detail ; perhaps we/you can write an official
> proposal to the powers that be.
> >If we can prove return on investment , we have a winner I think.
> I see that we are on the same page at this matter.
> Before starting to write official proposal I suggest to divide the process
> on two stages.
> The first stage should be called "development mode" and second stage could
> be called "production mode".
> During the development mode I suppose you are trying to organize more wide
> discussion on the topic of motivation.
> At this stage everybody who is interesting in this send you some ideas and
> suggestions.
> The most important principle during this stage do not put any limitation on
> the ideas and suggestion that people would like to send.
> I mean we should explicitly declare that it's absolutely fine to provide
> crazy ideas.
> The next week should be enough to finish the first stage.
> At Monday morning I will send my portion of ideas.

Ah, yes. I understand. Very nice write up.
Please send you ideas.

> After the fist stage is done it's your job as Fishcat's leader to filter
> and polish them for official proposal.
> It seems good idea to ask Judy for participation in writing the proposal.
> This way she will be more confidential and eager to promote it :)
> I called the second stage "production mode" because it will looks
> like launching a new product.
> Result of this stage should be defined mostly by people who is ready to
> take responsibility to promote and implement the plan.
> Personally I don't have much time and energy to put the plan in motion so
> my hope only on people like you and Judy.

No problem. Let's get the plan first, then we will all put an action
together :)

Success of this project probably will has significant impact on the whole
> Java World.

No pressure ;-)
