
Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_dev.java.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 09:02:26 +0200

Hi Vladimir

On 24 June 2010 05:52, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

> In my opinion FishCat points don't provide any serious level of
> motivation.
> I would say this kind of motivation could works only in kindergarten :)

lol, you are right. My 18 month old daughter gets stickers ;-)

To create the real leverage we need to establish some kind of virtual
> currency instead of useless points.
> Probably you know about "dukes" that people could earn on Sun's forums or
> "votes" that could be used for voting project's features.
> "Dukes", "votes" and "points" never really work in practice that for sure.
> To make it works you should radically change the current approach.
> The fist principle of any currency is providing buying power.
> Current buying power for points is only cat's title but that almost
> nothing. Without some kind of privileges that holder of the title should be
> able to use, title will provide very little incentive.
> In case you understand my point of view we could continue the related
> discussion on more detail level.

Yes, I do understand and I think you make some good points.
And let's go into more detail ; perhaps we/you can write an official
proposal to the powers that be.
If we can prove return on investment , we have a winner I think.

> In the past I had a brief discussion with Judy regarding this topic and she
> was supportive on this. But that time Oracle was taking over Sun Microsystem
> and it wasn't very appropriate time to go further with it.
> Now I see again some understanding that people need to be motivated to do
> some testing so I'm bringing it up.

Yes, motivation is the key here and not an easy topic at all. :)
