
Re: Is anyone else hitting 'OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space' on a regular basis with GlassFish 3.0 ?

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 15:31:04 +0200

On 7 April 2010 14:22, Paul Merlin <eskatos_at_n0pe.org> wrote:

> > Very nice information, thank you.
> > If this is the issue I can understand it
> > I don't mind hitting the issue in dev, but please please not in
> production.
> >
> > I have a Tomcat 4.0 installation with an application written 5+ years ago
> > that needs to be restarted every day. (There is actually a cron job doing
> > this)
> > [...snip...]
> If what I wrote is right (I think it is but if any glassfish developer
> hanging
> around can prove me wrong I'll be happy) you won't face this issue in
> production

thanks. I just forwarded one of the tests I did before 3.0 release. I did
about 5 such tests I believe.
It shows 1000 deploys of the sample app and the JConsole memory info after.
It does not break. Perhaps the examples are not polluted by tons of open
source monolith JARS like my apps are.

> in the case you describe if when you say "restarted every day" you mean
> restarting the tomcat's jvm.

Yes, peeewww.
It is actually a ./bin/shutdown.sh , sleep for a bit , kill -9 java ,

The problem is not related I don't think. It is just a badly written app. :)
