
Re: JSF 2, an implementation that works and looks pretty

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 07:05:39 +0200

Hi Ken

2009/12/19 Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_sun.com>

> 1.2 components should work in JSF 2.0. At most, you should have to set the
> faces-config.xml descriptor back to 1.2 -- but it shouldn't require you to
> abandon JavaEE 6 (i.e. GlassFish v3). With the components you are testing,
> I would like to hear *why* you were unsuccessful b/c they should work even
> if they were not written for JSF2.

The problem I am having is I used Icefaces previously not pure JSF 1.2. And
Icefaces did some fancy tricks to get their AJAX components working in JSF
This unfortunately means that if you try those same tricks on JSF 2.0, JSF
freaks out. (even if I bundle JSF 1.2 in my war)
This seems to be the same issue with OpenFaces, since they did their own
tricks, but bundling with JSF 1.2 works.

So what I am saying is a lot of people used fancy libraries on JSF 1.2 to
make their webpages AJAX.
And these fancy tricks (aka hacks) breaks in JSF 2 and GlassFish 3

There are no other stable JSF 2 implementations besides the reference at the
moment and the reference is lacking the fancy components.

Icefaces is working on 2.0 (currently in Alpha 1) which is full JSF 2, but
it's going to be a real while.

It is difficult for me to explain to a project manager that we should go
GlassFish 3, but all those fancy components he is used to are gone, but may
be back in a few months.
