
Re: JSF 2, an implementation that works and looks pretty

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:54:54 -0800

1.2 components should work in JSF 2.0.  At most, you should have to set the faces-config.xml descriptor back to 1.2 -- but it shouldn't require you to abandon JavaEE 6 (i.e. GlassFish v3).  With the components you are testing, I would like to hear *why* you were unsuccessful b/c they should work even if they were not written for JSF2.



Richard Kolb wrote:
Hi Judy

Here is the JSF Matrix : http://www.jsfmatrix.net/
You will see no libaries have a tick next to JSF 2

I did see this from Jason Lee (Sun)
Not exactly a library, but something to look at while doing jsf 2.

I samples in there are also Maven 2. yay :)
Will try this on Monday.



2009/12/19 Richard Kolb <rjdkolb@gmail.com>
Hi Judy

2009/12/18 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang@sun.com>

Great news.  Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us, looks JSF2/GlassFish is holding strong for your projects.  Please continue report issues to us!

thanks, will do.
I may need to move back to GlassFish 2.1 because I am lacking a good production ready JSF 2 suite I am happy with. :-((
(and my traditional Icefaces 1.x does not work on GF 3 - Icefaces issue not GlassFish)

Let's see how many GlassFish beans we can harvest in the Frameworks table :-)

(1) Icefaces 2.0.0 Alpha 1/GlassFish - struggle is with Icefaces, GlassFish is doing right thing, right?

Yes is looks ok, problem is it's Alpha 1. From what I can see only the compatibility components works i.e. JSF 1.2 still.
The examples they bundle with JSF 1.2 only.

(2) PrimeFaces 2.0.0 RC does not work in GlassFish 3. (I think there is a bug logged) - Is it a GlassFish bug or not? If yes, please give bug number, I can help follow up.

I think this is a Primefaces issue. There is something that JSF2 does not like with Primefaces.
You can try it out. http://www.primefaces.org/downloads.html (sample wars are at the bottom)

(3) OpenFaces 2.0 EA2OpenFaces 2.0 EA2/GlassFish - working fine on v3 b74b, right? I can use following link in the Frameworks table to say this sample worked on v3 b74b, right :-)

Yes , actually it works well. I made the assumption that OpenFaces 2 was JSF 2, but it's not.
It's a bit of a pain to set up and I still don't have a good maven example that works.
(4) RichFaces 4.0.0 Alpha 1
I could not get the samples going a while back. Must still check it out again. http://www.jboss.org/richfaces/download/milestones.html
The wonderful thing is that they provide a Maven project so it takes most of the guess work out.

(5) Apache MyFaces- Core JSF 2.0
It seems to be in some kind of pre-release, so I can't use this in production.

If anyone can suggest anything else, please do.
