
Re: [FishCAT] Survey time, please let us know your thoughts, thanks very much !

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 00:28:58 -0800

Last call, survey ends this Friday :-)

Got many more people filled out the FishCAT survey. Thanks !

Here is a feed back on FishCAT program, made me laugh:

"Can you do it a different time of year ? :) I'm really busy at work
every autumn, and couldn't do it justice this year."

FishCAT survey click


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi All,
> If you have not taken the survey, please take a few minutes to fill
> out the FishCAT survey click
> <http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJiUHlFalRUZmYzS3g4RkxJNEo1a0E6MA>.
> This survey is open to every one who used the GlassFish v3. We like
> to hear from many of you.
> The survey ends this week.
> Big thank you to those of you participated the survey and gave us your
> valuable input. I
> am so glad to receive so many positive feed back and good suggestion
> on FishCAT. Just to quote a few:
> "The FishCat open source program is great. It will result in a higher
> quality product in the end"
> "This is a great program and even though I did not have enough time to
> participate, I think this is a big plus for GlassFish (the product)
> and us all as community."
> "perhaps a test server where I can deploy my test application. A
> Hudson or other CI server where I can contribute with acceptance
> tests. A lot of small/mid size
> applications contributed by the community can be used to automatically
> test the new builds. Like: "survived the community applications" ;)"
> "I have plenty of suggestions. For example I'd like to have ability to
> deploy my application that include issue directly to Glassfish hosted
> on community server
> without preparing test case. This way everybody will have opportunity
> to analyze the application without much efforts Will prepare complete
> list of the suggestions
> a little bit later.", good suggestions, we are looking forward to this
> list and looking forward to hear many more input from many of you !
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have had another very successful FishCAT (GlassFish Community
>> Acceptance Testing) program.
>> Would like do a quick survey to collect your valuable input click
>> <http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJiUHlFalRUZmYzS3g4RkxJNEo1a0E6MA>.
>> Many thanks :-)
>> Judy
> Here is one picture I took in the weekend, a raining autumn day
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