
Re: [FishCAT] Survey time, please let us know your thoughts, thanks very much !

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 01:36:46 -0800

Hi All,

If you have not taken the survey, please take a few minutes to fill out
the FishCAT survey click
This survey is open to every one who used the GlassFish v3. We like to
hear from many of you.
The survey ends this week.

Big thank you to those of you participated the survey and gave us your
valuable input. I
am so glad to receive so many positive feed back and good suggestion on
FishCAT. Just to quote a few:

"The FishCat open source program is great. It will result in a higher
quality product in the end"

"This is a great program and even though I did not have enough time to
participate, I think this is a big plus for GlassFish (the product) and
us all as community."

"perhaps a test server where I can deploy my test application. A Hudson
or other CI server where I can contribute with acceptance tests. A lot
of small/mid size
applications contributed by the community can be used to automatically
test the new builds. Like: "survived the community applications" ;)"

"I have plenty of suggestions. For example I'd like to have ability to
deploy my application that include issue directly to Glassfish hosted on
community server
without preparing test case. This way everybody will have opportunity to
analyze the application without much efforts Will prepare complete list
of the suggestions
a little bit later.", good suggestions, we are looking forward to this
list and looking forward to hear many more input from many of you !


Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have had another very successful FishCAT (GlassFish Community
> Acceptance Testing) program.
> Would like do a quick survey to collect your valuable input click
> <http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJiUHlFalRUZmYzS3g4RkxJNEo1a0E6MA>.
> Many thanks :-)
> Judy

Here is one picture I took in the weekend, a raining autumn day

(image/jpeg attachment: DSC_0243_2_2.JPG)