
Re: Weld in Glassfish issue

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 20:36:23 -0800

Hi Noah,

It is good to hear from you, thanks for forwarding this thread. Yes, it
is interesting for us to know if Weld working with GlassFish.
Let's wait to hear from expert :-)

Here is part of info I got from the link Noah sent below:

"Something weird is going on within Netbeans/Glassfish (build 70) since
the IDE thinks the @Named annotation is in package
javax.annotation.Named and there are no scope annotations available
within the IDE. The IDE compiles and deploys the app just fine."

Some Weld info, click to read more <http://www.seamframework.org/Weld>...

  Weld Overview <http://www.seamframework.org/Weld/WeldOverview>

JSR-299 <http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=299>: Java Contexts and
Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (CDI) is the new Java
standard for dependency injection and contextual lifecycle management.
JSR-299 is a Java Community Process <http://jcp.org> (JCP) standard that
integrates cleanly with the Java EE platform. In fact, Java EE 6
requires that all compliant application servers provide support for
JSR-299 (even in the web profile).

The JSR-299 specification (CDI) defines a set of services for the Java
EE environment that make applications much easier to develop. JSR-299
layers an enhanced lifecycle and interaction model over existing Java
component types including Managed Beans (JavaBeans) and Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJB session beans). As a complement to the traditional Java
EE programming model, the services provide:


NBW wrote:
> I've been thinking about trying out Weld in the latest promoted build
> and I came across this thread on the Weld forums about a problem
> someone is having trying to get a simple managed bean running with GF
> build 70. Even though it's not my thread I thought this might be of
> interest to the list -
> http://www.seamframework.org/Community/WeldAndGlassfishV3#comment103708
> -Noah