
Re: JSR-330

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <alexis.mp_at_sun.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 19:54:52 +0100

Thanks Cay. Yes you are correct and I was a bit in a rush with that
short answer.
Feature-wise (and modulo any bug), everything that should be in v3 is
there by now and that includes Weld.
The GuessNumber is a good sample to look at (it's part of the samples
and documented by Roger here:

As for the specs, it might be that they're waiting for the final vote
(ending today for 299 and all the other missing EE 6 JSRs).


On Nov 30, 2009, at 19:44, Cay Horstmann wrote:

> Just to clarify--JSR 299 is a part of GlassFish v3, and you should be
> able to test it. The syntax has changed a bit since the fall. Check
> the final spec for some examples (which is available at
> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/JSR299FinalDraftSubmitted but strangely
> not the jcp.org site). I'll have to run a couple of tests next week
> too, so I hope you can shake any bugs out before I run into them :-)
> On 11/29/2009 12:35 PM, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
>> @Inject is there in v3 today but it's of little use without JSR 299
>> to
>> qualify the injection.
>> -Alexis
>> On Nov 29, 2009, at 21:33, Adam Bien wrote:
>>> Hi Cats,
>>> I just wonder when JSR-330 (@Inject) will be supported by Glassfish
>>> v3. Any ideas?
>>> Would really like to test it.
>>> thanks in advance!,
>>> adam
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