
Re: PHP?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 09:25:23 -0800

"I'll look into the first two a bit more, just to make sure there isn't
a GF issue", Thanks Cay, if you
identify any GF issue, please help us file bugs. This is big help !

Happy Thanksgiving !

Cay Horstmann wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for their help! Here is where I am right now:
> http://php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/pjb/
> Runs into trouble almost immediately--Moodle can't find library files.
> Not yet clear whether the fault is with the bridge or with GlassFish.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfastcgi/
> Doesn't serve PHP files at all. Not yet clear whether the fault is
> with the bridge or with GlassFish.
> http://quercus.caucho.com/
> Just works. I am very surprised--I thought this would be the most
> fragile solution. But they list Moodle as fully supported, so I guess
> I am ok. It's dead simple too. Just unzip their WAR and Moodle into
> the same place, do a directory deployment and you are done.
> I'll look into the first two a bit more, just to make sure there isn't
> a GF issue, but Quercus may be the way to go.
> Cheers,
> Cay
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi Cay,
>> I remember survivant did some PHP testing last year, so I checked
>> with him,
>> following is his reply. Let's see if any one tried PHP with v3,
>> please jump in to help :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> "i did a post long time ago
>> http://www2.sebastiendionne.ca:8282/glassfish/joomla-on-glassfish.html
>> but Quercus doesn't implements all PHP functions.
>> PHP native could be done. Javabridge or with the servlet that came
>> with PHP package."
>> Judy Tang wrote:
>>> Hi Cay,
>>> Good to hear from you. Thanks in advance for trying PHP with
>>> GlassFish. This will be a good testing.
>>> I am checking with developer, if I found any thing I will let you know.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Judy
>>> Cay Horstmann wrote:
>>>> Hi, I need to install Moodle (a PHP app), so I figured I might as
>>>> well try it on GlassFish. Googling around led me to two approaches:
>>>> http://quercus.caucho.com/
>>>> http://php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/pjb/
>>>> Does anyone have a suggestion which is the better approach? Should
>>>> I expect this to work? (I'll be sure to report if it doesn't :-))
>>>> At
>>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ContainersConfiguration,
>>>> it says somewhat ominously: Warning : the PHP integration in
>>>> GlassFish V3 is not complete and you will probably run into issues.
>>>> We need to upgrade to Grizzly 1.5 and resolve a few other issues
>>>> before this will be fully functional. But that page was last
>>>> changed in 2007 :-)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Cay
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