
Re: PHP?

From: Cay Horstmann <cay_at_horstmann.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 08:29:08 -0800

Thanks to everyone for their help! Here is where I am right now:

Runs into trouble almost immediately--Moodle can't find library files.
Not yet clear whether the fault is with the bridge or with GlassFish.

Doesn't serve PHP files at all. Not yet clear whether the fault is with
the bridge or with GlassFish.

Just works. I am very surprised--I thought this would be the most
fragile solution. But they list Moodle as fully supported, so I guess I
am ok. It's dead simple too. Just unzip their WAR and Moodle into the
same place, do a directory deployment and you are done.

I'll look into the first two a bit more, just to make sure there isn't a
GF issue, but Quercus may be the way to go.



Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Cay,
> I remember survivant did some PHP testing last year, so I checked with him,
> following is his reply. Let's see if any one tried PHP with v3, please
> jump in to help :-)
> Thanks,
> Judy
> "i did a post long time ago
> http://www2.sebastiendionne.ca:8282/glassfish/joomla-on-glassfish.html
> but Quercus doesn't implements all PHP functions.
> PHP native could be done. Javabridge or with the servlet that came with
> PHP package."
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi Cay,
>> Good to hear from you. Thanks in advance for trying PHP with
>> GlassFish. This will be a good testing.
>> I am checking with developer, if I found any thing I will let you know.
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> Cay Horstmann wrote:
>>> Hi, I need to install Moodle (a PHP app), so I figured I might as
>>> well try it on GlassFish. Googling around led me to two approaches:
>>> http://quercus.caucho.com/
>>> http://php-java-bridge.sourceforge.net/pjb/
>>> Does anyone have a suggestion which is the better approach? Should I
>>> expect this to work? (I'll be sure to report if it doesn't :-))
>>> At
>>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ContainersConfiguration,
>>> it says somewhat ominously: Warning : the PHP integration in
>>> GlassFish V3 is not complete and you will probably run into issues.
>>> We need to upgrade to Grizzly 1.5 and resolve a few other issues
>>> before this will be fully functional. But that page was last changed
>>> in 2007 :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Cay
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Cay S. Horstmann | http://horstmann.com | mailto:cay@horstmann.com