
Re: My first tests with FishCAT ...ouch

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 17:05:58 -0800

Wow, the game is getting better and better, both side are the winners
!Thanks Jose, Kin-man, Jan, this sticker is for you :-)

  Click to enlarge The image Click to enlarge


Jan Luehe wrote:
> Jose,
> I wanted to update you with some good news:
> Kin-man was able to spot a code line in the JSP compiler that looked
> like it was causing tag files that are bundled in JAR files (as is the
> case
> with IWebMvc2-Final_RC) to be compiled over and over again.
> The same code line had been present in earlier Tomcat releases , but had
> been removed in the latest Tomcat release. We looked through the Tomcat
> history of this particular file and found that the line had been
> removed as part
> of the fix for this issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43741
> (".tag files in a .jar recompiled for each .jsp -- extremely slow")
> Kin-man has applied a similar fix to GlassFish, and we've verified
> that was used to take 8 minutes now takes a mere 10-15 seconds,
> which is in line with the number you had given us.
> A big "Thank You!" goes to Kin-man!!
> The fix will be available with the next promoted build (and earlier
> nightlies).
> Also, it looks like the only other remaining issue you filed:
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11082
> ("Deployment error with Quartz job")
> has been closed as invalid, because the evaluator suspected that it
> was an issue with the application itself, and you agreed to take
> another look at it.
> So I guess this means we're all set? :-)
> Thanks,
> Jan
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