
Re: My first tests with FishCAT ...ouch

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:07:42 -0800


I wanted to update you with some good news:

Kin-man was able to spot a code line in the JSP compiler that looked
like it was causing tag files that are bundled in JAR files (as is the case
with IWebMvc2-Final_RC) to be compiled over and over again.
The same code line had been present in earlier Tomcat releases , but had
been removed in the latest Tomcat release. We looked through the Tomcat
history of this particular file and found that the line had been removed
as part
of the fix for this issue:

  (".tag files in a .jar recompiled for each .jsp -- extremely slow")


Kin-man has applied a similar fix to GlassFish, and we've verified
that was used to take 8 minutes now takes a mere 10-15 seconds,
which is in line with the number you had given us.

A big "Thank You!" goes to Kin-man!!

The fix will be available with the next promoted build (and earlier

Also, it looks like the only other remaining issue you filed:

  ("Deployment error with Quartz job")

has been closed as invalid, because the evaluator suspected that it
was an issue with the application itself, and you agreed to take
another look at it.

So I guess this means we're all set? :-)

