
Re: step-by-step available

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 16:26:02 -0800

Hi Felipe,

That is nice to know you have ran this set of tests for almost 10
GlassFish builds. Thanks for the testing !

"and better yet if I can enable the security again", I am checking on
this to see if all the bugs we reported
got fixed, will let you know.


Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> finally I got time to fix the scripts and publish a minimum
> documentation about my pet project:
> http://kenai.com/projects/puj/pages/Arena-dev
> That is the application I am using to test all Glassfish versions since b60+
> Any bugs or suggestions, please send me the feedback :)
> * I will check the new JMS monitoring features Adam commented before..
> I am using all resources from Glassfish, so I am quite interested to
> check that... and better yet if I can enable the security again :)
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