
Re: step-by-step available

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:45:47 -0800

“documentation about my pet project:

After reading this thread, I sent email to Felipe to find out more about
his pet project.
So I find out he is using GlassFish to host an academic competition.
Let me share this info here for those if interest can check out what
competition it is,
may be can participate and win.

The definition of community is to help each other and in the process of
helping others the
energy comes back to help oneself. Some philosophy in late Friday
afternoon :-)



PUJ is an academic competition we implement every year in Ceará /
Brazil... (CEJUG). We are in the third edition of the competition and
now we decided to implement an online system for that - I plan to have
the system online for the next year.

The competition details: http://kenai.com/projects/puj/pages/Home

The use cases are here: http://kenai.com/projects/puj/pages/Arena

The technical details: it is an Enterprise Application (EAR), and we
try to use the most resources from the container (Glassfish). That's
why the distributable package is so small ( < 200Kb ). Beyond
Glassfish we try to attract people that like GUI technologies, like
JSF, Vaadin and DWR. I plan to have more GUI developers around soon,
like Wicket. I am dedicated to the backend part (EJB, JPA, etc)...

I will present a session at JFokus about the RESTful service of the
project: http://www.jfokus.se/jfokus/speakers.jsp?lang=en

Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> finally I got time to fix the scripts and publish a minimum
> documentation about my pet project:
> http://kenai.com/projects/puj/pages/Arena-dev
> That is the application I am using to test all Glassfish versions since b60+
> Any bugs or suggestions, please send me the feedback :)
> * I will check the new JMS monitoring features Adam commented before..
> I am using all resources from Glassfish, so I am quite interested to
> check that... and better yet if I can enable the security again :)
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