
Issue in update tool

From: Bhavin shah <shahbhavin2001_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:44:03 -0700

Hi all
As mentioned in my previous email i didnt selected update tool while
installing. After installation it notifies me to install 2 updates

1 Java DB
2 JSF1.2_12 implementation

When i open update tool it asked me to install these 2 updates. Both updates
were selected. I closed the dialog box and later on i clicked on update

 It asked me to accept the terms and conditions. I decline the terms and
conditions and it redirected me to the update tool page. But the check boxes
of both the updates are not selected.

We have to manually select or click on the refresh button. After clicking on
the refresh button both the check boxes are selected

But if i accept the terms and conditions it starts downloading the updates.
I did that and also click on the cancel button while it was downloading the
updates. I got the error message that download canceled but after that the
check boxes were selected.

So if I decline the terms by default the check boxes are not selected and if
i accept and cancel downloading updates, the check boxes are selected.

Should these be considered as a bug?

Here are the attachments.
B h a v i n

(image/jpeg attachment: initial.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: 2.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: 3.jpg)