
Re: Issue with Update tool

From: Tom Mueller <Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:36:46 -0500

Does this problem persist?

Generally this indicates a problem either with contacting the server
(possibly because of a firewall) or that the server itself was down.


Bhavin shah wrote:
> Hi,
> While installing Glassfish, i did not selected update tool and after
> installation it was asking me to install 2 updates
> 1 Java DB
> 2 JSF 1.2_12 implementation
> By default both the updates were selected. I refreshed it 2-3 times
> and got an error " Components could not be successfully refreshed due
> to a Network issue".
> The following is the attachment. Should i file this as a bug?
> Thanks
> Bhavin Shah
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