
Fwd: some errors

From: Nagendra <donepudi84_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 10:06:14 -0700


           I dont know how many of these issues are already reported, but
I'm just listing out some of what I found.

1. I don't know if this counts as a bug, but I thought it needs to be taken
care of.

   During installation, I selected "Provide username and Password " and left
the respective feilds blank, it showed me an error and highlited the
username and password feilds. My problem here is the red color used to
highlight the feilds is too bright, if you try to type something in the
highlighted feilds, the font is barely visible. I'm attaching a snapshot of
how it looks like.(userpass.jpg)

2. After completing the installation, if I select "create sun online
account" it navigates to the next page and also gives me an option to go
back if I change my mind to register later. But if I select skip
registration and navigate to the next page, it does not give an option to go
back. What if some one change their mind and want to register during
inastallation itself?

3. During installation for username and password, it accepts any garbage
value. It does not show any errors. It shows errors only in the installation
log and also shows that dehault domain is not created. It even accepts only
space character as password. The username and password does not have any
guidence like, size of username or password, type of characters accepted,
case sensitive, etc. It would be easy if some kind of guidence is shown on
the window.

4. During installation I gave some garbage value. Later I tried to launch
default domain, and it throwed an exeption that my username and password are
not valid and less than 8 characters. It showed that default domain is not
created. So I created a domain with the user name "nagendra".

5. I logged into the domain as nagendra. My admin console shows "User:
nagendra". Now i tried to stop the console and it showed me some error, can
you help me with that. the error is given below

C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin list-domains
Name: domain1 Status: Running
Command list-domains executed successfully.
C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin stop-domain domain1
com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: Authorization has been
d for credentials [user: nagendra] given in this request.
(Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
Command stop-domain failed.
C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin stop-domain
com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: Authorization has been
d for credentials [user: nagendra] given in this request.
(Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
Command stop-domain failed.

6. After completing the installation I tried to install the updates and it
showed me an error. Snap shot is attached.(updateerror.jpg)



(image/jpeg attachment: userpass.jpg)

(image/jpeg attachment: updateerror.jpg)