
Changin 'context-root' and 'Launch' link on GUI Admin console

From: Kana K. <kana.akmt_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:53:12 +0900

Hi all,

I installed b31 with using zip distribution today.

One small thing I noticed:
  Because the change made to Web Application's 'context root' will not
be applied immedeately, launching application with clicking 'Launch'
url must fail(The change will be applied after re-starting domain).

  It there're no way to change context root immediately after the
action, I think it's better to tell users about that, like with
showing messages, hiding a 'Launch' link or so on. That may improve

Is this worth reporting as issue ?

How to reproduce:
1. Start domain and access GUI Console.
 * Access http://localhost:4848

2. Deploy app (hello.war) and open it's setting page.
 *Applications -> Web Applications -> click Name( 'hello' )

3. Change the Context Root in "Web Application" page, and save the change.
 * i.e.) /hello --> /helloworld
 * click [Save] .

4. A Message will appear on top of window as: 'New values successfully saved.'

5. Click 'Web Applications' from side menu to see if 'Context Root' in
the list has been changed.

6. Click 'Launch' link.
A new window opens to display the app with new URL, but it fails with 404 error.
Application is sill available with old context path
