
Re: Disscuss efficiency for GlassfishV3

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 07:55:37 -0700

Thanks Jack for connecting to us to let us know what issue you are
facing so we know how to help you.
From the issue you describe below (Admin GUI -> update tools ->
configuration),it could related to
some of the issue in update tool, it could also relate to your internet
speed. How fast it is ? Do
you face this issue all the time or just some time ?

Would like to thank Kristian and Jose jump in to help :-)


hxysun wrote:

> Thanks for Judy Tang and Jose Noheda!
> My PC:Thinkpad R40e,CPU P4 2.0G and run at 1.2G(reduce power),RAM
> 768M,hardisk 80G 5400rpm.Windows 2000 server sp4,IE6.0.
> I stop all other programs,start glassfish3 domain.I access
> ,open the page of admin console,till the page to
> be opened fully,thisaction used one minute,
> andat the moment RAMis more than 100M.
> When Ipress the item "update tools"->"configuration" in the admin
> console page,my PC's cpu isrising at 100% and for a long time.So I
> couldn't contniueandterminated the java process.
> I only deployed the sample hello.war from the web site.
> I think I cann't use this version of v3 in official instance.
> For my original intention,I would not jaw.I only bring up the
> question,describing the objective state I meeted up,and wish Glassfish
> powerful,faster and easier to be used soon.
> Best regards,Thanks!
> Jack He.