
Re: glassfish v3 + openesb ?

From: Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 08:32:07 -0400

yes please, that's a good start.

2008/10/31 Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>

> Survivant,
> Will respond later, but allready : I have a test webservice wich uses derby
> db and produces jaxb2 xml, but since it was a quick test for some other
> problem, write functions are not implemented as MDBs yet (as imposed by the
> design pattern). It reads and stores catalogs (containing products) from a
> db; Maybe it can be used as a base for this test?
> If helpfull I could post it as contribution.
> wim
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Survivant 00 [mailto:survivant00_at_gmail.com]
> *Sent:* vrijdag 31 oktober 2008 11:07
> *To:* quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> *Subject:* Re: glassfish v3 + openesb ?
> yes. I just don,t want to use a proprietary web service that offer only a
> service.. I need to host that service as well (with the source code.. if I
> want to test and debug it).
> the best example should be a stock quote web service (something that could
> request lot of bandwith and process, like that I could test the delay of
> transmission between the webservice host on glassfish and the path took into
> OpenESB and finally the response to the client.
> Sound like a project, but I think it's a good prove of concept that will
> promote the solution. Any sample like that will be better than nothing.
> the goal, I want to use my application that I did in my Migration Guide to
> grizzly (stock quote application) and do the same thing using OpenESB and GF
> and OpenMQ(instead of simulating the input by threads, I'll read it form the
> queue..)
> lot of work.. but I think that will do a good test converage.
> what do you think ?
> 2008/10/31 Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
> Hi Judy, Survivant,
> I also would like to have an example of the following for openesb.
> I have a internal (glassfish) webservice wich uses some xml schema.
> I would like to provide a new webservice wich "translates" the xml
> requests/responses from this service to a different schema.
> (xml elements in the original one schema need to be attributes in the new,
> and vice versa)
> This with openesb using xslt.
> Aside from the "Hello" example I cannot find much detail on this,
> nevertheless it seems like a common use case to me.
> @survivant : is this what you mean with a complete loop?
> So +1, I think.
> Wim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: vrijdag 31 oktober 2008 1:58
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> Subject: Re: glassfish v3 + openesb ?
> Hi Survivant, I will help to forward your email, will let you know
> after I get the answer.
> Thanks -)
> Judy
> Survivant 00 wrote:
> > I have 2 questions.
> >
> > #1 - does Openesb can work with gfv3 ?
> >
> > #2 - I,m looking for a complete sample for openesb. I would like to
> > play with it with GF. I was looking for a sample like quotestock, but
> > all the sample that I found call a external webservice. I would like
> > to test a complete loop : everything within openesb and GF.
> >
> > can someone help me to test that ?
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