
use "Packaged file to be uploaded to the server" deploy TeamCity 3.1.2 Error

From: 魔力猫咪 <wlmouse_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 21:59:38 +0800

我在Glassfish v3 b22上尝试部署TeamCity。整个war文件154M。我使用"Packaged file to be uploaded
to the server"部署,显示
An error has occurred
GUI internal error: Archive Path is NULL.
部署失败。但是使用"Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the
Application Server"部署成功。
在Glassfish v2上同样无法使用"Packaged file to be uploaded to the server"部署。但是使用"Local
packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server