
Re: Re: ask for help

From: 小戎 <ljr1982ljr_at_tom.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 14:28:02 +0800 (CST)

Hi 小戎,

I am glad you got a lot help here. You came to right place !

I know change from one version to another version is a management
decision, may be you can try to get

some of your application run on the V3, if you run into problems just
send email

to us, this way you help us testing V3, we also help your company
migration. Would this sounds a good

plan :-)

Could you please tell us a bit more about what kind application you
have running on SunOne Application Server8.1.



小戎 wrote:

> To my surprise, wo get a lot of benefits from the returned
email!!!!! Thanks everybody !!!!If i can persuade my senior to move the
application to the V3, there were no obstacles!!!So indeedly,the
server's version is SunOne Application Server8.1 in the production line
and the next version

for changing is a long time for us !!!!



看看除了1.5G,还有什么? src="http://mail.tom.com/images/mail/050328/page_02.gif" border="0"
height="33" width="37">


Maybe that is not a good topic,there is no correctly answers i wanted!!! I am continue to look into the problem !!!!