
Re: Glassfish undeploy still holds references to files

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:32:52 -0500

Jose Noheda wrote:
> If you build instead of clean-and-build does it work?
> NB 6.5 just allows clean&build. build by default just shows an alert
If you temporarily turn off compile on save you should be able to build
without cleaning.

Not that I'm suggesting that you change your normal work process. This
would be a quick experiment to give us just a little more data about
what works and what does not.
> You can help us by using a simple but effective tool that will
> identify where in the app server the file is being opened. Please
> read this blog entry
> http://blogs.sun.com/quinn/entry/tool_for_diagnosing_failed_glassfish
> which contains a link to a JAR file that contains the tool. The
> blog entry contains complete instructions. Follow them carefully
> to get the most useful output and please post that output as a
> reply to this thread. (The output will consist of one or more
> stack traces that will show what code is opening the JAR file.
> This often points in the general direction of the code that
> should be closing the file but is not.)
> I'll try it and let you know

- Tim