
Re: Glassfish undeploy still holds references to files

From: Jose Noheda <jose.noheda_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:29:02 +0200

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_sun.com> wrote:

> Hi, Jose.
> This sort of thing is a recurring problem on Windows. It might be worth
> opening a new issue but let's check a few things first.
> What build of GlassFish are you using?

v3 promoted build 25

> If you build instead of clean-and-build does it work?

NB 6.5 just allows clean&build. build by default just shows an alert

> You can help us by using a simple but effective tool that will identify
> where in the app server the file is being opened. Please read this blog
> entry
> http://blogs.sun.com/quinn/entry/tool_for_diagnosing_failed_glassfish
> which contains a link to a JAR file that contains the tool. The blog entry
> contains complete instructions. Follow them carefully to get the most
> useful output and please post that output as a reply to this thread. (The
> output will consist of one or more stack traces that will show what code is
> opening the JAR file. This often points in the general direction of the
> code that should be closing the file but is not.)

I'll try it and let you know

> Thanks.
> - Tim
> Jose Noheda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I didn't comment it before because I've never been sure if it is more a
>> Netbeans problem or a Glassfish one. But trying to clean&build from Netbeans
>> an already deployed application always generate:
>> do-clean:
>> Deleting directory C:\...\demo\build
>> C:\...\demo\nbproject\build-impl.xml:884: Unable to delete file
>> C:\...\demo\build\web\WEB-INF\lib\antlr.jar
>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 18 seconds)
>> where the actual JAR depends on the application and your luck (usually is
>> something related to Hibernate/JPA).
>> Stopping the server allows the operation.
>> Do you think is something worth a bug report?
>> Regards
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