
V2 or V3? Help with setting please!

From: jack Song <jacksong.usa_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 21:41:26 -0700

Dear glassfish group,

I installed V2 in my window Vista under C:\Software directory about
one week ago, I followed the quick-start guide and it works fine with
the autodeploy web application. But when I tried to work with the WAR
file under admin console, however it failed to launch correctly. I
can't figure out why and I saw more discussion, video and document
support for V3 now.

So last night, I installed V3 TP(latest-windows.exe with dated on
09/11/08 and which is below version b24) under my window Vista C:\Sun
 directory , I updated my path variable accordingly in my system
variable. I closed the domain1 from V2 first, and then I started the
glassfish and it shows the server is running, but when I tried to go
to admin console window or (http://localhost/4848), it is failed with
the error message " the admin console is installed, waiting for
loading", anyway it seems hang there forever and never got my browser
into the admin login window.

Then I tried to go back to V2 directory and try to make my V2 work,
anyway it failed. I uninstalled V3, and try to launch V2, it failed
again. I restore my system back to 3 days ago, but V2 still failed,
all with the same kinda error as below.
C:\Software\glassfish\bin>asadmin start-domain domain1
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to C:\Software\glassfish\domains\domain1\logs\server.log.
Sep 18, 2008 9:30:35 PM com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.LoginContextDriver doPa
INFO: SEC5046: Audit: Authentication refused for [anonymous].
Incorrect admin username and/or password
CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.


1. Any suggestion about fix the settings errors above?

2. Should I deleted all glassfish first then install it? V2 or V3 TP I
should go?
3.Can or can't install two version glass fish under one computer? if yes, how?

Thank you!

Jack Song

2008/9/18 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>:
> Hi 小戎,
> I am glad you got a lot help here. You came to right place !
> I know change from one version to another version is a management decision,
> may be you can try to get
> some of your application run on the V3, if you run into problems just send
> email
> to us, this way you help us testing V3, we also help your company
> migration. Would this sounds a good
> plan :-)
> Could you please tell us a bit more about what kind application you have
> running on SunOne Application Server8.1.
> Thanks,
> Judy
> 小戎 wrote:
>> To my surprise, wo get a lot of benefits from the returned email!!!!!
>> Thanks everybody !!!!If i can persuade my senior to move the application to
>> the V3, there were no obstacles!!!So indeedly,the server's version is SunOne
>> Application Server8.1 in the production line and the next version
> for changing is a long time for us !!!!
> ===============================================
> 快来和我一起享受TOM免费邮箱吧! 看看除了1.5G,还有什么?
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