
Re: SocialSite Querry-SJSU Student

From: Aditya Dada <Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:14:14 -0500

Hi Atreyee,

Unfortunately, we don't have anything similar for Eclipse at the moment.

For now, we recommend that you start by installing socialsite on
glassfish using ANT build scripts.

Also, please check out the SocialSite website
(https://socialsite.dev.java.net/) and the SocialSite blog
(http://blogs.sun.com/socialsite/)regularly since the latest updates are
usually posted out there.


atreyee dhar changed the world a bit at a time, and said on 9/17/2008
6:56 PM:
> Hi
> I am a SSU Grad Student and am enrolled in Prof Gao s Testing Course.
> I was wondering if u have a step by step ( audio video) for using
> Social Site ( adding widgets to existing web) in Eclipse IDE.
> I found one for NetBeans here
> http://mediacast.sun.com/users/ArunGupta/media/socialsite.flv/details
> Is there anything similar for Eclipse
> Thanks
> Sincerely
> Atreyee Dhar

<http://glassfish.dev.java.net> 	* ADITYA DADA *
Software Engineer
GlassFish Quality Community 
Project SocialSite <https://socialsite.dev.java.net/>
Sun Java Application Server 
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x49494/+1 408 834 4949, Fax (408)834-4949
Email Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM <mailto:aditya.dada_at_sun.com>