
RE: [FishCAT] Updated Quick Start Guide, please help us review, thanks !

From: Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 18:28:46 +0200

Hi Judy,

When I came on this page, I immediately clicked "contribute" in "contribute"
to GlassFish documentation.

So I clicked a bit too soon. I was just trying to find documents to review
given your post, so I apologize for not finding them, they are in plain

It was just me :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Verreycken [mailto:wim_at_pizzastop.be]
Sent: donderdag 18 september 2008 18:22
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: RE: [FishCAT] Updated Quick Start Guide, please help us review,
thanks !

Hi Judy,

I spent about 10 minutes on the doc review site. I was expecting, certainly
after clicking the “contribute” link, to find a certain overview of review
planning and documents currently to be reviewed. I couldn’t find either (at
least not without reading a lot of ...) within 10 minutes. Spent the other 2
trying to find a document to review.

I read that if I review 15 man pages this counts as a doc review (but not
worried about my counter).
About the online docs, that was a bit to much ... to read for a doc review.
Main question, where are those docs?

If I clicks on “contribute” I was expecting to see : sign up/sign in, review
this, to be reviewed soon (planning).

Have to admit I don’t like doc reviews (had to do too many- don’t ask). So
if I should do this, at least the access should be fast no?

Don't wan't to sound negative (I'm actually very positive about Java and Sun
products in general), just wanted to mention my experience. I had hoped to
have spent (after logging in) 2 minutes finding a document on a subject I
know well(bundled or not, why can't I find them online if I want to review)
and 10 to 15 to review about 10 to 15 pages.

Maybe it's just me of course :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: donderdag 18 september 2008 17:31
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: [FishCAT] Updated Quick Start Guide, please help us review,
thanks !

Hi Jack,

For GlassFish V3 Prelude doc review, you first click [1] to read FishCAT doc
review rule.  After
that you can click [2], it list all the GlassFish V3 Prelude docs for
review.  [2] is inside [1] 

Would you please give this a try to see if you can find the doc you want to
review easily :-)


jack_spallaw wrote:

Good morining!

I saw you post 7 very good review comments for "QuickStartGuide". Thanks !
My pleasure.

You asked about if there is a detail document of "Update Tool". I will
ask around.
Thank you, and I will keep seeking it too.

As it now stands, I could find the "JavaDB" documentation.

I think, it would be better off written the text below :
"for detail : http://developers.sun.com/javadb/reference/docs/"
into the page 7 "Starting and Stopping the Database Server" chapter.

How do you think about this?

Hi Jack,

I saw you post 7 very good review comments for "QuickStartGuide". Thanks !

You asked about if there is a detail document of "Update Tool". I will
ask around.
It would be good to for reviewing :-)


jack_spallaw wrote:

Hi Judy,

I finish to post my comment for "QuickStartGuide".
Please pick it up.



"If FishCAT members have to sign an SCA to review the unbundled docs,
then let's allow them to submit issues as an optional alternative."

Hi Survivant, I checked with doc team manager to simplify the FishCAT
doc review process
and above is his email reply. You no longer to sign the SCA to review
the docs, you can just use
the IssueTracker to log your review comments.

Thanks for following the process. This is one thing I noticed every
FishCAT member strictly
following the process which makes FishCAT program so smooth. And we are
open for suggestion
to make the process efficient for every one :-)


Survivant 00 wrote:

I think that I need an autorization to write on the wiki. That will
avoid someone to spam the wiki. I'll wait for further intructions

2008/9/16 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>>

   Hi Survivant,

   As an alternative, you can simply file an issue on doc.
   I confirmed this with doc team manager.

   Survivant 00 wrote:

   thanks.. because I really don't see a edit link even when logged.

   2008/9/16 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com

       After you login, do you see "edit" feature on the bottom.
       Will ask doc team to help you if you.


       Survivant 00 wrote:

       I log into the wiki.. but where do I edit the page to put my
       comments ?

       2008/9/16 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com

           "it's good.", we like to hear this, thanks Survivant for
           reviewing. Your suggestion is very good, would you please
           put in your comment below so doc team will follow up.
           Would like to hear more from other, what you like about
           this doc, what else you like to see in this doc ...




           Survivant 00 wrote:

           it's good..

           can you add a section where to get more advanced
           settings documentation ?

           I would like to read the starting guide and when I'm
           finish to be able to know where I should go to get more

           for now, I would like to know where to change the
           defaults ports, the default password, add listener..
           it's too advance for the starting guide, but I would
           like to know where to find it easily.

           You should post screenshot too. Some people are more
           visual than the others.

           2008/9/16 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com
               Hi All,

               I have not seen any review comment back, I wonder
               if you have some time to help us review this doc.

               If you are new to GlassFish, this Quick Start Guide
               is written just for you. In total of 13 pages, you
               where to get GF V3, how to install it, how to start
               domain, start database, start Admin console, how to
               deploy, undeploy, and run application.

               Please get yourself a cup of tea, turn on your
               favorite music, start reading at same time help us
               reviewing this
               doc, after 30 minutes, you will feel you know so
               much about GlassFish :-)

               Here is the way to get this doc:

               (1) Click



               (2) In the bottom of the page, click "Attachments"

               (3) In "List of attachments" window, select the pdf

               (4) In "Image Preview" window, click "Click to load
               attachment", you are all set to review this doc

               Thank you in advance for reviewing and we look
               forward to hearing your feedback !


               Gail Risdal wrote:


                   Just wanted to let you know that an updated
                   version of the Quick Start Guide is now
                   available for review:



                   Also, just a reminder that doc review
                   schedules, guidelines, and other important
                   details are on this page:



                   GlassFish Documentation



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