
Re: Thinking about GF v3 Default Packaging

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:43:01 -0700

Adam Bien wrote:
> Hi All,
> GF v3 is intended to be Java EE 6 RI. But it comes with JRuby, but not
> with EJB 3.1 per default. Isn't it strange?
it does not really come with jruby, it comes with the jruby sniffer. The
idea is that there might be folks who have jruby/rails installed
somewhere and the sniffer is all they need to plug things together.

as of EJB 3.1, it will of course depends on the distribution, but the
intent to ship as many sniffers as we can so that when we deploy an ejb
application, we can download and install the ejb container on the fly.
We obviously have not reached that level yet.

Regards, jerome
> regards,
> adam
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