
Re: Clarification about Social Site

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:22:48 -0700

Hi Aravind,

Welcome to GlassFish Quality Community. I am glad Aditya's presentation
to your school interested you to take the SocialSite project.

To answer your question (3), you need to register a java.net id, then
login using this id. Following are the steps to get a java.net id and then
subscribe to quality mail alias.

# Click to join the java.net <https://www.dev.java.net/servlets/Join>
community. If you are already registered, login here

# Click to subscrib to quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
<https://glassfish.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList> In this
page, you look for quality alias section and click Subscribe to sign up

Here is GlassFish Quality Community web site, please click to look
around, https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/portal/
Click LEARN you will get many learning pointers, click PARTICIPATE, you
will find your way how to contribute to the community.

Please wait for some time since it is weekend for the answers to your
question (1) and (2). These are good questions.

Thanks and good luck to your project !

> Hi,
> I had attended your Seminar at SJSU. I have decided to take the
> project Social Site.
> I could download,install both the Glassfish and Social Site
> successfully.I have couple of doubts, one regarding apache ant ,
> installation from source files and another regarding deploying the war
> file.
> 1.) When i give the full name of ant folder in the environment
> variable path, it doesn't take it. If i give short variable names like
> 'Ant' it takes it and i am able to run ant from command prompt. In the
> sense that when i download Ant , i get the folder name as "Apache-Ant
> 1.7.1". So, give the full name but the DOS shell doesn't take it , it
> says "ant" doesn't exist but if i give the path like "C:\Ant" in the
> Ant_home , it takes it. I use Windows-XP and is it because windows
> version doesn't support long file names?
> Also, i tried giving the variable value in Quotes with full variable
> name and that works !!.
> 2.) I installed Netbeans IDE 1.6 and tried to deploy the war file
> (from the Social Site directory) but when i create the project, it is
> asking me to include web-inf folder which i didn't find in the war
> file (after unzipping it). I just created a simple web project and
> tried to import the war file..My goal was to get the application
> running on netbeans (Had already included glassfish while installation
> of netbeans).Is this enough to test for black box testing?
> So, i request you to let me know as to what i should do to get the
> application running on netbeans and also how to add new gadgets after
> that.
> 3.) Finally, to do white box testing, i downloaded the source files
> but when i see the instructions to test the installation using source
> files, the online doc says that i need to use svn to get the files
> from the domain java.net <http://java.net>. Could you explain this?
> I thought that unless i get hold of the source files and do a basic
> installation, i cannot start white box test.
> Thanks,
> Krishnan Aravind