
Re: Clarification about Social Site

From: Jamey Wood <Jamey.Wood_at_sun.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:20:40 -0600

Hi Aravind,

I'm glad to hear about your interest in SocialSite! For future
reference, the best place to ask SocialSite-specific questions is on our
"users_at_socialsite.dev.java.net" alias (CC'd).

> 1.) When i give the full name of ant folder in the environment variable
> path, it doesn't take it. If i give short variable names like 'Ant' it takes
> it and i am able to run ant from command prompt. In the sense that when i
> download Ant , i get the folder name as "Apache-Ant 1.7.1". So, give the
> full name but the DOS shell doesn't take it , it says "ant" doesn't exist
> but if i give the path like "C:\Ant" in the Ant_home , it takes it. I use
> Windows-XP and is it because windows version doesn't support long file
> names?
> Also, i tried giving the variable value in Quotes with full variable name
> and that works !!.

It sounds to me like you have this one figured out. I think that, as
you've noted, you either need to put quotes around the pathname which
includes spaces or just rename the ant directory to not have a space.

> 2.) I installed Netbeans IDE 1.6 and tried to deploy the war file (from the
> Social Site directory) but when i create the project, it is asking me to
> include web-inf folder which i didn't find in the war file (after unzipping
> it). I just created a simple web project and tried to import the war
> file..My goal was to get the application running on netbeans (Had already
> included glassfish while installation of netbeans).Is this enough to test
> for black box testing?

I don't normally use an IDE. But most other SocialSite developers do
their work using NetBeans. So I'll defer to one of them to answer this

> So, i request you to let me know as to what i should do to get the
> application running on netbeans and also how to add new gadgets after that.
> 3.) Finally, to do white box testing, i downloaded the source files but when
> i see the instructions to test the installation using source files, the
> online doc says that i need to use svn to get the files from the domain
> java.net. Could you explain this?

I see that Judy already provided a pointer for obtaining a java.net
account. If you haven't already done that, you should. Once that's
done, go here and request the "Observer" role for your account:


The system should automatically approve your request. Once that's done,
follow the directions at the top of this page (under "Accessing the
source code repository"):

