
Re: Early form of an IzPack installer for V3 Prelude

From: Christopher Kampmeier <Christopher.Kampmeier_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:11:01 -0500

Hi Julien,

On the general topic concerning automatic executing as a result of
downloading: We noticed that on at least one Mac OS X system, using a
standard Firefox config did not result in auto execution of the jar
file. The user was able to double click on the jar file using Finder.
This experience was less than optimal.


Julien Ponge wrote:
> Hi Chris, Tom,
>> By simply adding one line to the bootstrap.properties in your GF V3 .jar
>> file (see below), we were able to trigger installation of the Update Tool
>> GUI and notifier via the bootstrap. Very nice.
> Sounds good indeed :-)
> Another thing I would like to improve (this is more general to IzPack)
> is the case of Vista UAC. Normal Java applications cannot easily be
> run with admin privileges, and many things should fail with this
> installer under Vista (e.g., writing to "program files" or writing
> into the registry). The classic trick is to wrap the installer within
> a win32 executable that has 'installer' or 'setup' in the name.
> Some people have posted JScripts on the web that can launch a process
> *and* ask privileges elevation for them. This is less trivial as it
> seems, as WinXP had a 'runas' command, but it doesn't work on Vista
> nor it has a equivalent. I'll have a look if we can have a hack to
> bootstrap such a script to relaunch the installer with higher
> privileges. That would allow Jar installers to work right without
> having to actually be logged as an admin or having to wrap the
> installer :-)
> Cheers