
Re: [FishCat]flash report 巻 tested on b23

From: Dick Davies <rasputnik_at_hellooperator.net>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:21:37 +0100

2008/9/12 竹内 慎助 <Stakeuchi_at_mail.emas.co.jp>:
> java.io.IOException: error in opening zip file -- invalid zip file:
> jar:/Applications/glassfishv3-replude/glassfish/domains/domain/autodeploy/.D
> S_Store

I think you've copied something into autodeploy that isn't a zip file.
(Macs are always scattering .DS_Stores around :) ) - f you delete
it, you should be ok.

Rasputnik :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns